Tuesday, June 22, 2004

These Days

At present I am doing the following:

1. Studying the major world religions. I just finished a unit on Native American traditional religion, and am embarassed to say that I think even now I know more about Hinduism and Buddhism than the beliefs of my nieghbours here in North America. Not very good from a perspective of evangelism.

2. Re-reading Yann Martel's Life of Pi, a charming little book with interesting insight into psychology and religion. In the unlikely event that you have not read this book, do so immediately. It has raised some interesting introspection regarding religious pluralism, as the title character lovingly embraces three religions: Hindu, Christianity, and Islam. I am no fan of such pluralism, nor do I expect are many of my readers, and have attacked it as a violation of the law of non-contradiction. However, I'm having second thoughts about such an offensive, since if I force religion to obey reason I do it an injustice and also must throw out a few of my beliefs (i.e. in the Trinity). Hmmmm...

(I must admit that I've taken a break from Marquez's 100 Years of Solitude. [Sorry Mikey] When I began it I was too busy to give it the attention it deserved, and found when I had the time to read a chapter or two here and there all continuity had been lost and all pleasure had left with it. I will have it done before the summer is through, after a suitable break.)

3. Listening to pop music. At the moment Ron Sexsmith has my attention with his top-notch songwriting talents and excellent voice. I moved to Mr. Sexsmith from Rufus Wainwright who is equally talented as an auteur/chanteur/compositeur. Both artists, who sound actually quite similar, are Canadian. I've just been introduced to a new group by my cousin Jan, Tryo. They're a French acoustic Reggae group who sound a little bit like Moxy Fruvous but more serious and in French. Check 'em out if you like laid back, acoustic pop and don't mind French lyrics.

4. Following UEFO Euro2004. Tomorrow is a very big day for the Netherlands. Only if Germany fails to beat the Czech Republic and the Dutch defeat Latvia will the Clockwork Orange progress to the knockout stage. I'm worried, but I don't think the Germans can beat the Czechs so it's all up to the Dutch not to choke against the underdog Latvians. I must say that I'm glad Italy didn't make it past the round robin stage, as I really dislike their star player Francesco Totti.

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