Monday, June 21, 2004

Harsevoort & Hunter

This community continues to grow, as my brother John Harsevoort began a blog last week. Exciting! John, a few years older than myself, is responsible for my love of quality Canadian literature and kung-fu movies, among other things.

In other news, last week I was pleased to be invited to and attend an event at Queens Park to hear James Davison Hunter's speech "To Change the World," and a discussion with Prof. Hunter hosted by Redeemer the following day. I must thank one Rich Greydanus for being so kind as to chauffer me there and back again. I owe you one (or two) Rich. For more info on Hunter's ideas see Dr. Koyzis'post of June 19th entitled "How to change a culture" and Rob Joustra's thorough post of June 18th entitled "To Change the World". Although I don't think I can say much those two didn't cover, I do plan to add my two cents on the topic in the near future.

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